Install HTPC Manager on Ubuntu 14.04+ (Trusty Tahr)
A python based web application to manage the software on your HTPC. HTPC Manager combines all your favorite software into one slick interface.
This guide Requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 and assumes you are the root user, if you are a user with Super user privileges then start the command with sudo to grant the required permissions.
- Couchpotato
- Deluge
- kodi
- NZBGet
- Plex
- qBittorrent
- SABnzbd
- nzb search (newznab)
- Sickbeard
- squeezebox
- Stats
- Transmission
- uTorrent
- Pretty much every module has been improved in some way or another
- NZBGet module (rewritten)
- qBittorrent module (rewritten)
- Transmission (add url, upload local torrent)
- Deluge (add url/magnet, pause/remove, set limit)
- SABnzbd (drag & drop to edit queue, pause for x min, purge history)
- Stats module (Hardware info, S.M.A.R.T report, execute scripts)
- CouchPotato (Suggestions and moar..)
- Plex (Filter, search, fix duplicated, images, play to device and more)
- KODI/XBMC addons tab, where you can search/execute/enable/disable addons and a volume slider instead of a progress bar
- Send a nzb from NZB search to NZBGet in addition to SABnzbd.
- Usenet (Multi search indexers, support nzedb and spotweb in addition to newznab)
- Notification if a update is available and autoupdate
- Htpc manager is now fluid. (Looks much better on high res screens)
- Delete cache folder from the settings page
- The brave and bold can choose which branch they want to use.
- Added a option for robots.txt for bot crawlers
- Make ssl cert and key automatically if you don’t add a path for it
- Mask sensitive stuff from the log (username, api key, password etc)
- Reduced size on static files
- Docker support
- Various fixes
- Download log
- Added argsparse (to support python 2.6)
- And a shit load of other stuff i dont remember
If you’re missing something don’t be afraid to make a request 🙂
See here for full list:…master2
Install the HTPC Manager Ubuntu dependencies
apt-get install build-essential git python-imaging python-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-cherrypy vnstat
Install psutil so you can get computer stats as well
pip install psutil
Git clone the latest HTPC Manager
git clone /opt/HTPCManager
Take ownership of the HTPCManager installation directory with your regular user
chown -R user:user /opt/HTPCManager
Try and start HTPC Manager
python /opt/HTPCManager/ --daemon
You may see a cherrpy error, everything still works though so don’t worry.
You can access HTPC Manager at http://localhost:8085
Autostart HTPC Manager at Boot
cp /opt/HTPCManager/initscripts/initd /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
Edit the htpc manager init.d script to match the path of HTPC Manager
nano /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
Change APP_PATH to match the path we installed HTPC Manager
############### EDIT ME ################## # path to app APP_PATH=/opt/HTPCManager
Make the init.d script executable
chmod +x /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
Update the init.d script to start at boot
update-rc.d htpcmanager defaults
Now your all set to begin using this great manager, setup guide coming soon!