Proxmox Network Setup on Hetzner Dedicated Server

Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open-source server virtualization management platform. It is a Debian-based Linux distribution with a modified Ubuntu LTS kernel and allows deployment and management of virtual machines and containers. We will show you a simple way to setup subnets and additional IPs. Using the Robot API from Hetzner.

The Proxmox-Version depends on your OS:
Proxmox 5.x on Debian Jessie and Proxmox 6.x on Debian Buster

  • Install Proxmox on your server
  • Let’s Encrypt Certificate for the Proxmox-Interface
  • Option to use Thin-Pool Storage
  • Read the Server-IPs (Single-IP and Subnet) from the Hetzner-Robot
  • Write the Network-Config
  • Option to create private IPs if you use a vSwitch
Install Dependencies  
apt -y update
apt -y install php-cli php-curl wget
cd /root
tar xfz hetzner-proxmox.tgz
cd proxmox

To install Proxmox, please read the following notes before running the script.

The directory custom contains several files that are used during the installation.

In the custom directory you will find:

  • etc/aliases
  • etc/cron.d/trim.example
  • etc/sysctl.d/pve.conf
  • root/
  • root/
  • ssh (empty)
php install-proxmox.php

You will be asked the following questions:

Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server [server]:

Add the full name here (i.e. Otherwise you can not use Let’s Encrypt.

IP of the server []:

Make sure that the recognized ip is also the one from your server

Network Card [enp0s31f6]:

Usually, you don’t have to change the detected value.

Do you want to autoconfigure the network? (y,n) [y]:

Choose y to let the script generate the network-config.

Enter your credentials for the Hetzner-API
robot_url []:
robot_user []: 
robot_password []:

Enter your robot-credentials if you did not already stored them in robot.conf.php.

If you just want to setup network only with your current network setup used the following

php network-manual.php

You find the generated config in /root/interfaces.generated


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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


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